Conservation Area
The Sherfield on Loddon Conservation Area was first designated in 1981 by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in recognition of the special architectural and historic interest of the village. Having designated the Conservation Area, the Local Authority has a statutory duty to ensure that those elements that form its particular character or appearance should be preserved or enhanced, especially when considering planning applications.
The Setting of the Conservation Area (see map)
The boundaries of the Conservation Area are formed by the suburban edge of the modern village to the north beyond The Green, the River Loddon and grounds to Breach Farmhouse in the east, the extensive planted grounds of North Foreland Lodge (now Sherfield School) in the south, and open fields behind The Green perimeter at Court Farm to the west.
An Appraisal of the Conservation Area
The Appraisal plan identifies those buildings, views and key features that are considered as essential to the special character or appearance of the Conservation Area. In addition to listed buildings it also includes unlisted buildings of particular individual or group value, which are indicated on the Appraisal plan as notable. This is not to undermine the value of other unmarked buildings or structures that reflect the historic development of the village without detracting from its special qualities.
Conservation Area Planning Controls
The following controls apply within the Conservation Area in addition to normal planning controls:
• Conservation Area Consent is normally required for the demolition of buildings or structures over a certain size within a Conservation Area.
• The Council must be given six weeks notice of any intention to undertake works to, cut down or uproot any trees over a certain size in the Conservation Area.
• Planning applications which, in the opinion of the Borough Council, would affect the special character of the Conservation Area must be advertised and the opportunity given for public comment. This may include proposals outside the Conservation Area which nevertheless affect its setting.
Notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas
In order to preserve and prevent undesirable changes to the character of our conservation area, you are required to submit a Notice of Intent to the Borough Council before carrying out any tree work, including pruning. The application form can be found on Basingstoke & Deane’s website and you need to complete this at least six weeks before any work starts. This gives the authority an opportunity to consider protecting the tree with a tree preservation order.
If you deliberately destroy a tree in a conservation area, or damage it in a manner likely to destroy it, you could be liable to a fine. You could also be fined if you cause or permit such work. The conservation area in Sherfield on Loddon covers a large proportion of the village.
In a conservation area you do not need to give notice of work on a tree less than 7.5 centimetres in diameter, measured 1.5 metres above the ground (or 10 centimetres if thinning to help the growth of other trees).
Please contact one of the Tree Wardens, Councillor Ian Deeprose or Councillor John Darker if you need further information.