Village Green
The Green is the jewel in the village’s crown, However, It is a Village Green and not Common Land. Whilst Village Greens are governed under the Commons Act there are differences. On Common land any-one usually has the right to roam on it. On a Village Green there is no right to roam however, it is only residents which have the ‘right’ to use the Village Green
Since the early 1970s, when the village gained management rights, the Green has developed and been carefully maintained for the benefit of residents and visitors alike. A potted history can be found here. Many enjoy strolling through the open spaces, or feeding the ducks at the ponds by the southern entrance to the village.
For the more energetic, it boasts a cricket green, football pitches (for adult and junior clubs) two tennis courts, a BMX track and a fenced playground area. To the east of the Green is a large allotment area, again giving pleasure (and hopefully plenty of produce) to many.

The Parish Council has composed a Children’s Tree Trail, a Fauna Trail and a Butterfly Trail as an introduction to some of the trees and wildlife found in different areas of the Green. You are invited to follow the map and identify Trees and Wildlife. A winter and summer picture are included for each item.
The Village Green Volunteers are a small group of community minded individuals who give up their time on the Village Green and surrounding areas to make the Village Green accessible for all those who reside in the Village.
Whilst contractors carry out the major works on the Village Green, such as clearing ditches and cutting grass, the volunteers play a crucial role in looking after the outdoor spaces saving the Parish Council large sums of money. The Volunteers are always grateful for assistance and if you would like to get involved please contact the Parish Council.
Annual Schedule of works- Village Green Volunteers