What we do
The Parish Council is the tier of Local Government closest to the people and it is a non-political body. It is at the 'grass roots' and as such is in the best position to understand and represent the views of the local community. All Councillors are volunteers and receive no renumeration for their tenure.
The Parish Council comprises 8 members, Parish Council meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month, in the Liddell Hall, in order to discuss issues affecting the parish and its residents. An Open Forum session is always included to allow questions, comments and contributions from the general public. Please note that any correspondence received by the Clerk, unless stipulated private and confidential, may be disseminated to all serving Parish Councillors and the contents, including the author's name, may be discussed openly in a public meeting.
An Annual Parish Meeting is held in May, to which all residents are welcome to attend to hear reports from the Council.
Parish Council elections are held every four years, and were held in 2024.
The Parish Council employs a Clerk, an Assistant Clerk, and a Litter Warden.
Tree Wardens are volunteers and are appointed by the Parish Council
The Parish Council's Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Register of Interests, Asset Register and all other Policies and Procedures can be found on the Policies page of the website.
Parish Clerk: Karen Ross
Tel:01256 842662
Address: PO Box 6862, Basingstoke, RG24 4QZ
Email: clerk@sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk
Assistant Parish Clerk: Hannah Ford
Mobile: 07831095314
Address: PO Box 6862, Basingstoke, RG24 4QZ
Email: assistantclerk@sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk
Litter Warden: Roger Roberts
Tree Wardens:
Cllr Ian Deeprose -cllr.deeprose@sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk
Cllr John Darker -cllr.darker@sherfieldonloddon-pc,gov.uk
Footpath Warden
Cllr Ian Deeprose -cllr.deeprose@sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk